Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 6 – 9 pm
Collingwood Neighbourhood House
FOOD SECURITY – A Community Panel Discussion
Food Security is on everyone’s mind today. Questions such as: What is food security? Is our food safe? Is it affordable? Is it nutritious? We want to make safe decisions around food and here is an opportunity to learn more about food security. The Food Security Institute team at Collingwood Neigbourhood House wants to continue to increase community awareness around the safety of our food sources and the methods of improving the food chain link. Join us to learn more – to plant ideas and to consider initiatives around this very important aspect of our lives.
David Tracey – owns and operates Eco Urbanist, is a certified tree care expert and the Executive Director of Tree City. David coordinates the Vancouver Community Agriculture Network project together with City and public health officials to create more community gardens, especially among people lacking access to healthy, affordable food.
Paula Luther – is the Project Manager for the BC Farmers' Market Nutrition and Coupon Project. The project assists lower-income families in accessing food, promoting fresh BC-produced farm products and supporting BC local farmers. She is also a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and has been working on community food initiatives in Vancouver for over 10 years.
Heidi Sinclair – has been the coordinator of the Renfrew Collingwood Food Security Institute since 2005. She has an extensive background in growing food, and creating welcoming and educational experiences around food for participants and has been involved in creating leadership amount initiatives such as community gardens, rooftop garden and community kitchens.
Moderator: Charito Gailling, Community Developer, Evergreen Community Health Center
I wish we had known about this at the Farmland Defence league... Can you please email such event notices to donna8@telus.net or haroldsteves@yahoo.com or nikcuff@shaw.ca and we'll get it out to the group.